Packaged DatawarehouseA data warehouse that comes with a software package (ERP, CRM) and is filled in a standard way from that package. Example: SAP BW. This type of data warehouse is also known as an ‘Out-of-the-Box Data warehouse’.
ParameterA variable or addition in a function, calculation or operation that can be filled in freely.
ParentThe multiple in a hierarchical parent-child relationship
Pareto principleThe Pareto principle is also called the 80-20 rule. As a rule, 80% of the outcomes are caused by 20% of the causes. For example, 80% of the turnover can come from 20% of the customers. To achieve a certain result, it is best to focus on the 20% group based on this rule. A pareto analysis focuses on finding …
ParsingThe database system checks the query for syntax and determines whether the query may actually be executed.
PDF Portable Document FormatA standard developed by Adobe for creating documents for electronic distribution. Major advantages of this standard are the small size of the documents, the possibility to protect the content and the fact that almost every computer user in the world has the possibility to read PDF files.
PerformanceThe measured outcomes compared to previously set objectives or the measured (or estimated) outcomes of competitors.
Performance managementPerformance management is the process in which control of the organization takes place by systematically establishing the mission, strategy and objectives of the organization, then translating these to all organizational levels and making them measurable by reporting critical success factors and performance indicators in order to ultimately be able to take action for adjusting the organization.
Periodic snapshot modelA dimensional scheme to record long or non-finite processes repeatedly at a fixed interval. An example of this is the average monthly merchandise sales of a store recorded on the last day of the month.
Persistent dataResult of a process in which the previous version of data also remains after processing a program, process or operation. Has historical value and is available for reuse.
PI’s – Prestatie IndicatorenTell us what to do in one specific result area and are not very critical for the achievement of the business strategy.
PlatformA collection of technologies, processes and methodologies that aims to enable and simplify production, administration, implementation and management of solutions.
PMAPerformance Management Analysis / Performance Management Assessment. This term is often used for an analysis of a company’s performance management process.
PopulationThe contents of a data warehouse or the process of filling a data warehouse.
PortalThe entrance to an internet environment and often even the entrance to the internet for users. The purpose of a portal is to support the user in finding inputs to relevant parts of the underlying inter- or intranet
Power UserA Power User is an information analyst who is generally responsible for analyzing data and deriving meaningful information from that data. Power Users have excellent knowledge of their data and its underlying definitions and know how to query the database to produce the results they need.
Predictive analysisMethods and techniques to acquire knowledge in a targeted and random manner. Uses things like: statistical algorithms, neural networks and mining. The aim is to be able to make predictions on the basis of (hidden) trends and connections about, for example: transactions, customer behavior, performance, etc.
Prefix dataData in a segment or record, used for control purposes only and not normally available or controllable by the user.
Primary key (PK)A column or combination of columns that individually or collectively identify a row or record in a table. Within the structure, the primary key has a unique value for each row.
ProcesmanagementProcess management is an indication for a specific field of the category management tasks. In business, reference is often made to managing the organizational processes. One of the imaginary sequences concerns directing, setting up and performing in the organization. In which the organization is managed from strategic, via tactical to operational level.
PropagationMoving data from one data source to one or more targets. All this takes place according to predetermined rules (propagation rules).
Pull modelA model or method in which the recipient initiates the exchange process, usually of data.
Push modelA model or method in which the sender initiates the exchange process, usually of data.