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Magic number

This term is used for constants that are included in software code. In BI they can be located in views, stored procedures, scripts and reports. However, the constants are hard coded, so their meaning requires very detailed knowledge of the system.

Managed Reports

Report templates whict are created / defined for end-user use. More commonly known as “point ‘n click up” reporting. The templates determine which fields are included in the report, the nature of the directions users receive, and the look and feel of the report.

Management information (MI)

Information for management, which is helpful in executing management, making and substantiating decisions, etc.

Management information systems (MIS)

Management information systems (MIS), systems that aim to analyze data from other systems. The generated information is used to make and substantiate and well formed decisions.


Capture and saving of references the data to and from related entities, aliases, etc.


Metadata is an important part of a data warehouse. Metadata describes the actual data in the data warehouse. Examples of metadata are: the definitions of fields in tables, descriptions of transformations from source to data warehouse, information about the update of the data warehouse, etc. Metadata is stored in the so-called Metadata Repository.

Metadata administrator

The person who fulfills this role in an organization is responsible for managing the metadata database (repository).

Mini dimension

With a mini-dimension, a number of attributes of the monster dimension are split off, which form their own dimension. This split is done based on the record. The mini dimension has a limited number of rows. A sequence can then no longer be associated with an object, event or fact from reality. Key of the mini dimension both in the …

Monster dimension

A very large dimension. Often organically created by an accumulation of adjustments. Difficult to manage and therefore undesirable. A sample dimension is a dimension with many records (both lengthwise – number of rows – and width – number of records). For example, a taxpayer dimension for the tax, a customer dimension at a telecom company or an insured dimension at …

Multidimensional online analytical processing (MOLAP)

MOLAP is Multi-dimensional OLAP based on special proprietary file formats (cubes)