Heterogeneous dimensionA heterogeneous dimension arises when different groups can be distinguished within a dimension, which have specific types of attributes per group. A product table can become quite large, there may be a phenomenon related to empty values. We don’t like the value NULL in a DWH, we prefer to use texts such as NONE or NA. But this can sometimes …
Hierarchical relationshipsThe parent-child (parent-child) relationships in a hierarchical structure
HierarchyA tree structure according to the parent-child (parent-child) principle. Several levels are recognizable in a hierarchy
High level enterprise modelA formal, high-level and business-related description of the information required to manage a business. This description must be understood by both the ‘business side’ and the ‘technical side’ of the organization.
High Performance Organization (HPO)The high performance organization (HPO) is a conceptual framework for organizations that leads to improved, sustainable organizational performance
Historical dataNot-up-to-date data that is not or hardly requested by end users of operational systems. This data may be necessary, for example, to be able to perform analyzes and discover trends. For that reason, these data are often the most important input for the development of a data warehouse.
Horizontal dimensionDimension displayed along the horizontal axis of a report. Also referred to as column dimension.
Hybrid online analytical processing (HOLAP)HOLAP is a hybrid form, in which aggregated data is often offered via MOLAP and details via ROLAP. The simultaneous execution of multi-dimensional analyzes of data in a multi-dimensional database and a database system, often with the aid of appropriate software. This architecture is increasingly used for server-based OLAP.
HypercubeAn OLAP product that stores all data in one cube, with all dimensions to be applied.