Balanced scorecardMethodology developed by Kaplan and Norton in 1992 to gain insight into the performance of an organization. Balanced scorecarding works with indicators that are given a certain score according to the predetermined criteria. Based on these scores, insight can be obtained into the performance of an organization. These criteria are divided over four balanced perspectives, such as customer, process, innovation …
Base tablesNormalized data structures stored in the Data Warehouse database according to Inmon’s theory. Can also be described as the ‘detail data’.
BenchmarkingComparing one’s own performance in certain areas with the performance of others (often competitors or otherwise comparable organizations) in one’s own field of activity.
BI – GapThe mountain with data n is growing enormously, partly due to the Internet of Things and Soclal Media. At the same time, the dynamic way of working increases, while the time to make good decisions decreases, with the usage of BI you want to solve that problem.
BI information gapThe amount of information within an organization is increasing and the time to make a decision is getting shorter.
BI Project cycleIn order to set up the architecture, the intelligent organization uses a project approach that does justice to the complexity of multidisciplinary BI processes. Partly waterfall, partly scrum.
BI toolsBI Tools are intended to efficiently create reports, interactive analyzes and dashboards and come in all kind of shapes and sizes. Ranging from the well-known Excel to ferrari’s such as Power BI from Microsoft of QLik Sense from Qlik. A few examples of BI Tools functionalities: tables, graphs, drill-down, nesting, slice-and-dice, meters, role-based, scheduling, real-time reporting, conditional formats, search, etc.
BI-auditA BI audit is a qualitative investigation of a BI and / or data warehousing environment. Matters such as stability, performance, expansion options, data quality, ease of use and TCO are investigated and assessed. The end result is a report that not only provides an objective judgment, but also contains recommendations for improvement if necessary.
Bidirectional extractionThe ability to run ETL processes in two directions between different types of databases, including hierarchical, network and relational databases.
Bill InmonData warehouse guru. Co-creator of the Corporate Information Factory (CIF). This is a framework for setting up a data warehouse. Characteristic of this framework is that it uses a centrally normalized data warehouse. In addition to the CIF, the Government Information Factory (GIF) now also exists. External
Bottom-upGeneral term used for the approach of a way of collecting the data. Within data warehousing this means first building one or more data marts (stove pipes) and then a Data Warehouse. The opposite of ‘top-down’.
Bulk data transferMoving very large amounts of data simultaneously. This often uses technology such as compression, blocking and buffering. Also called bulk load.
Business intelligence platformAn integrated collection of tools, technology and methodologies for the design, development and use of business intelligence applications.
Business Activity Monitoring (BAM)Business Activity Monitoring stands for software that provides a real-time summary of current business activities. BAM software collects and identifies data, categorizes and analyzes data, followed by presentation of the results in a clear, user-friendly interface. BAM warns through Key Performance Indicators if a process goes wrong. BAM shows where opportunities lie and evaluates internal and external factors.
Business CaseA concept from project management. The business case describes which strategic objectives the project contributes to and which relationships exist with other initiatives on the project calendar. The project risks have been described and analyzed. The business case provides a good picture of the scope of a project, required resources (people and resources), the schedule and of the qualitative and …
Business consultantA person who advises on the company and its business processes. Usually someone with specific (industry) knowledge, but above all a pragmatist who has insight into business processes in the general sense. This role is often fulfilled by an objective, external person or party.
Business intelligenceBI is the whole of concepts, processes, strategies, culture, structure, methodologies, standards and ICT tools that enable organizations to behave and develop more intelligence and value based on their organizational goals
Business Intelligence Competence CenterA Business Intelligence Competence Center (BICC) is a permanent and formally structured organizational unit, is sponsored by the business, is staffed with representatives from both the business and IT, and aims to improve and promote the effective use of business intelligence for support the organization’s business strategy.
Business performance calibrationThe constant (almost real-time) forecasting and analysis of performance indicators in order to achieve a balanced business performance. Dealing with company assets in the most efficient and effective way possible.
Business performance intelligenceA collection of sub-areas within BI. Usually expressed as: planning and budgeting, balanced scorecarding and activity based costing.
Business performance measurementMeasuring specific KPIs to gain insight into the performance of the organization. Business performance measurement applications support the analysis phase of the business improvement cycle.
Business process managementRather than just measuring what happened, BPM helps to assess the consequences of alternative actions, routes, processes, etc. before putting them into production.
Business rulesBusiness rules are the translation of a business strategy, legislation or expertise into operational guidelines. For example, to make the impact of a change in the law on business operations tangible and operational. It is a rule relevant to the organization that relates to entity class, entity instances, attribute class, attribute instances, relationship class and / or relationship instances.