Data Warehousing is the accommodation of all kinds of data in one system, so that it is easier to analyze and report on all kinds of knowledge available within the organization. Data Warehousing is like puttin gall the cards on table like the card catalog with customers, the cash book and stock management in a warehouse so that a company can evaluate things better. Or, to put it more technically: ` Data Warehousing is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-dependent data collection with the aim of creating management information. ” That definition comes from Bill Inmon, often considered one of the founders of Data Warehousing with his book ‘Building the Data Warehouse ‘in 1991. By the way, a fun fact: a Data Warehouse can grow at the seams. The American supermarket group Wall Mart seems to have a Data Warehouse of 500TB. That’s a lot of receipts all together….